The Sea

I have come home to the West Coast, home to the sea. I had been away, preparing for my return but never aware that I did so. The mystery of such things must remain a mystery. How could we manage our days if we knew? How would we discover meaning, our true purpose, the things we had to go through, learn, discover, uncover, forgive, forget, meet the right person out of chance, luck, or more rightly some divine intervention that saw that love burned unlived inside them, and, yes, grow, grow, grow like a flower, a tree if we knew the road ahead? That is the meaning of our lives after all, to experience this human life, this amazing, astonishing life. Existence is mindblowing. I want to be wowed by life, by love, by touch. I want to drink the long draught of it, and savor all of its offerings. I want to cry when I'm hurt, and cry when I am overwhelmed with love. I want to forgive every error, every wrong turn, and be humbled by the rightness if it all.