Dominion of Mercy - Canada Bound

The movement of individuals of one country into another for the purpose of resettlement is central to Canadian history. The story of Canadian immigration is not one of orderly population growth; instead, it has been — and remains one — about economic development as well as Canadian attitudes and values. It has often been unashamedly economically self-serving and ethnically or racially discriminatory despite contributing to creating a multicultural society (s ee Immigration Policy in Canada ; Refugees to Canada ). Immigration has also contributed to dispossessing Indigenous peoples of their ancestral lands. Canadian Encyclopedia So, it was, for my fictional heroine, leaving all that she knew for a better life. That one motivation is not without its self-serving aims. Conditions in Europe in 1917 were dire. A world war raged. Poverty in Scotland, as well orphaned children of the war, made the prospects of a new beginning ...