
Showing posts from January, 2021

Dominion of Mercy - Beginnings

The new year begins with an opportunity that I created out of more than 700 hours of work. It wasn't so much work as it was joy. Writing is like that for me. Most times it flows uninterrupted once I put pen to paper, or fingers to the keyboard. I trust the process that keeps stories unfolding before me in their own time, as if I wasn't totally in charge. The story writes itself you might say. Of course I research whatever is at the core of my novels; historical fiction, or a contemporary piece. What matters is to saturate myself with details of place and time, custom, the social tone of the time, and relevant history that form the foundational structure for the story. I include historical characters through reference, or perhaps appearance in the body of the work, to breathe life into the story that I wish to tell. Dominion of Mercy was such a story. I will describe my process, how the story came to be, in the coming days and weeks

When Souls Touch

  There by the window, sipping coffee, you asked me what could be? And I saw my words in your tears, my fear in your eyes Another day and the memory rushes in, and I hear the catch of sadness in your voice and my defensive reply, that part that fears my own vulnerability And yet it was that day by the window that drew me to you, your courage, your heart that grieves for the world Who would not risk it all for the love we have been looking for?

Excited that Dominion of Mercy is going to print this month and available April 15th, 2021
